by Jenny Ward
Remember when you were a kid?
Climbing up the slide and playing without fear?
Most of my clients come to me because they have forgotten how to play without fear.
Their marriages or relationships become robotic in nature, and they are seeking more FUN in all areas. Relationships are meant to be explored without conditions.
Your partner is a playmate that is full of new ideas and explorations.
Too often we are told in society that we are not good enough, I disagree.
We are good enough to receive love fully without conditions.
We are good enough to create relationships that involve compassion, play, change and freedom.
Here are some ideas to bring play into your partnerships.
1. Play with your partners hair.
2. Don't take yourself too seriously.
3. Laugh with your belly.
4. Take a "time-out" from your day to Hug your partner with ALL of you.
5. Remember that there is nothing you have to fix in order to receive love.
6. Playmates may be different then you, this doesn't make it wrong or bad.
7. Erase "should" from your dictionary.
8. Before you start your day, tell each other one thing you absolutely LOVEabout them.
Remember that life is meant to be enjoyed. Too often we are so busy that we forget to have fun in this playground called life.
About the author:Jenny Ward,,, Jenny Ward is a Play Activist who is passionate about creating a Play Revolution for Adults. Playward works with Fortune 500 companies, Non-Profit, Colleges and Individuals to inspire and encourage clients to enjoy life, not just survive it. Jenny Ward: MFA, NYU: Life Coach, Yoga Therapist, Professional Actress (TV/Broadway), Teacher for over 15 years. Author of "Who Said So?" and "101 Ways to Play." (