Ways to be romantic to your husband
Songs To Get You In "The Mood"
Are You Aware of the 10 Biggest Romance Myths? Relationship & Dating Advice
It does not matter whether you have over 25 years experience an aging one or many relationships or a novice in this zone, each one of us have our own ideas of Romance.
Five Ways to Refresh Your Relationship
A relationship is like a delicate rose bush. If you care for it, it will bloom year after year with unsurpassed beauty.....read more
Bringing Out The Best in Your Relationship
Relationships bring out the best and the worst in us. Here are some ways to bring out the best in yours:...read more
Candles Go Only So Far: Five Ideas for a More Romantic Honeymoon
Candles, rose petals, satin, succulent foods, perfume—you’re probably already familiar with all of these time-honored ingredients for creating a romantic mood ...read more
The Secret of Creating Lasting Romance
Ahhh romance… that elusive experience that comes and goes. When we have it we think it will last forever, ...read more
DANCE for Romance
Romance is a human endeavor that is always seeking fulfillment. It can bring us tremendous joy or devastating pain. ...read more
Dating Your Spouse: Planning an evening on the town--no kids
When was the last time you went out on a real “date” with your significant other? And no, a real date doesn’t mean taking the kids ... read more
How to Increase Romance with Humor
Ask any single adult what qualities he or she wants in a spouse or partner, and one of the first answers is always “a sense of humor.”....read more
20 Tips to Keep Love Alive
Have you ever been at a loss to think of something special that you can do for that special someone in your life?.... read more
How to Keep the Spice in Your Relationship
Ladies, I know that there are times when men can be a bit of a pain in the butt. We want to go out, while they want to watch the game.... read more
5 Tips To Keep Marital Bliss Alive
Let’s face it retirement is a time of great transition for spouses. Ample free time and drastic lifestyle changes can be a burden or a blessing for your marriage....read more
Valentine's Day - Dinner Party Ideas
The old saying the way to a mans heart is through his stomach well I think that holds true for women too! ....read more
Feel Like a (Romantic) Kid Again
If the start of the school year makes you a little nostalgic about your own school days, why not take a little trip: back to your own childhood!...read more
Making Time for Romance
Connecting with your partner emotionally and physically is a soothing balm for our frazzled lives. A foot massage and a sympathetic ear give us the chance to recharge our selves and our love lives....read more
Music, Your Mood, and What It Says About You
The type of music you listen to has a lot to do with how you approach certain situations. After listening to a Joni Mitchell album, a colleague remarked that we have very different music tastes....read more
Five Ways to Make Your Next Flight Romantic
With some creative pre-trip planning and the willingness to look for romantic opportunities all around you, airline travel can get your next trip off to a loving start....read more
Love and a plus Unique ideas for wedding favors