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It's Fantastic Being Single

Benefits of being single

Generally, society make us think that being single is being doomed or, an unwanted situation for a low self esteem nerd, or judge you with "you-must-have-a-problem" label if you are not in a relationship. 

We imagine that we are automatically miserable if we hop into being single.

Think again!

Here is a refresher on the benefits of being single:

You can take a nap.  A power nap!

You can watch TV and, at the same time, listen to the radio

You snooze the wake-up clock as much as you want

You can use up all of that hot water.  It's all yours.

No gifts to buy for the in-laws at Christmas

You have sole proprietorship of the remote control. 

You can quit your job now, go home, relax and enjoy.

You’re clothes are always intact coming out of the laundry

On Saturdays, you decide at what time you leave the house to do the errands

Being quiet feels so good at times.

When a Hot Cutie asks you “Are you single?”, you smile charmingly with your answer.

You can stay a little bit later at work without guilt

You can leave for a last minute vacation with a buddy

You sleep better – Snore. As loud as you can.

Your worst argument will be "Cereals or Take Out tonight?"

When taking money out of the banking machine, you won't have to justify it to the "Home Head Committee"

The bathroom is all yours - 24 hours a day!

You may sing that favorite song over and over and over again.  Only your neighbors will go crazy.

Frank or Lisa can come over.  Nobody will whine.

You will not hear "Geese... you're grumpy this morning!"

You can watch TV night until your morning newspaper arrives

You can wash the dishes when you feel motivated

No naging on "Do you love me"?

Always have a fresh exciting dating life

..... maybe singles should feel sorry for all of those unhappy married people. 

After all, why be miserable when you can be happy?

Enjoy the benefits.

Go on and be fantastically and happily Single.

Written by Caroline Tee owner of this website


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