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The Male Rating System or Boyfriend Test
by Sam Stevens

How much money does he make a year?

$0 to $5,000 * 1 point

$5,000 to $15,000 *2 points

$ 15,000 to $25,000 * 3 points

$25,000 to $32,000 * 4 points

$32,000 to $36,000 * 5 points

$36000, to $42,000 * 6 points

$42,000 to $50,000 * 7 points

$50,000 to $70,000 * 8 points

$70,000 to $90.000 * 9 points

$Over $90,000 a year * 10 points

Has he had?
One Heart Attack or More * 1 point
Full dentures * 2 points
More then five dental crowns * 3 points
Smoke a pack of cigarettes a day * 4 points
Back Problems * 5 points
Migraines * 6 points
Allergies * 7 points
Occasional Muscle Strains * 8 points
No cavities * 9 points
No Health Problems whatsoever * 10 points

Has he ever been diagnosed with any of the following?

Schizophrenia * 1 point

Manic Depression * 2 points

Paranoia * 3 points

Personality * Disorder4 points

Anger Management * 5 points

Attention Deficit Disorder * 6 points

Obsessive Compulsive * 7 points

Depression * 8 points

Anxiety * 9 points

No disorders * 10 points


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