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Men On Dating - Timing, Turn-offs and Keepers

by Toni Coleman

* " This is something you want to pursue- have an interest in the person"

* "Friends with benefits can lead to dating or be considered a date"

* "Hooking-up is not dating"

How does a woman know if a guy is really interested?

* " He will pursue her"

* " No matter what, he will keep in contact"

* " He communicates regularly and pursues a dating relationship"

How does a guy let a woman know he is not/no longer interested?

* " He will vanish"

* " Email or call but not bring up getting together"

* "Say I had a great time, etc.- but then not call"

*"Won't return calls or call when he said he would"

* "Talk with her about how he is feeling/not feeling, but this is hard for many men to do"

* "Has to do with his age and level of maturity-these will determine which way he will handle it"

Why/when do guys marry?

* " It's about maturity and readiness"

* " Age and what friends are doing plays a large role"

* " Has to do with readiness for making a commitment and having kids, etc."

* " Heeds to feel financially, emotionally ready"

* " Needs to really click with a woman- on all levels"

* "timing is a lot of it"

The content of the feedback from these guys was very consistent.

The overall consensus?

High-maintenance, negative women are the biggest turn-offs.

Confident, together women, who take care of themselves, can communicate honestly and directly and are easy to be with - got the highest marks.

Timing in relationships plays a huge role.

Mostly, the men emphasized that when a guy is truly interested in a woman, he will pursue her and let her know.

If he offers excuses and doesn't follow through, he's just not interested- either in her or in a relationship at this time.

My advice to the women out there.

"Listen" closely to what he communicates non-verbally. If he says one thing, but does another, he is not telling you the whole truth.

If you have just begun dating someone or have seen him for a while and his behavior towards you changes suddenly- address this with him immediately.

Most of all, if something just doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Trust your instincts and let them be your guide.

About the Author:
 Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach who has been quoted in many publications including: The Chicago Tribune and The Orlando Sentinel newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, and Star magazines. She has been featured on ABC News; Discovery Health Channel and AOL Online. She is a weekly contributing commentator on the KTRS Radio Morning Show, (St. Louis, MO). Toni founded Consum-mate.com in 2002.

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