Every woman has a different set of dating rules for the first date.
Who should drive? How long do you wait to kiss?
And, of course, how far should I let him go on the first date?
In a recent on-line survey, Dateable.com, an Internet-based romance community, asked women a series of questions on dating and what it takes for men to "get lucky".
First, Dateable.com asked:
How long does it take for you to get comfortable enough to have your first kiss?
About 50% answered within the first 2 dates [actual statistic: 47.5%]. What happened to the remaining respondents?
They say that it "depends on the person." What's it take for women to go further?
A full 28% say they are willing to "sleep with a man on the first date" and 41% say they are willing to go all the way the second time around.
The remaining 30% say they would wait at least "a couple of months" before they slept with a man.
How do women decide who'll get lucky on the first date?
Learn a few jokes.
Surprisingly, sense of humor ranked as the number one determinant in getting lucky within the first few dates (38%).
Financial success ranked second (26%). And, physical came in third position (20%).
A variety of other answers from "scent of a person, cleanliness and good breath" came in at 16%.
About the author:
Dateable.com is an exciting online community for singles, couples and romance lovers. Dateable.com has romantic resources, advice, poetry, message boards, event postings, greeting cards, contests, personals, opinion polls and more. Featuring quality links, categorized in our search engine covering the topics of love, sex, dating and relationships. In-depth information on, gifts, matchmaking, personals, sexuality, health, things to do, travel, writings, and literature. Find everything from a date to an advice or a place for a romantic weekend. Stop on by and visit Dear Carol, Dateable.com's own advice columnist and sign up to for your own free personal ad.
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